Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I did it!

Finished my first Half Marathon. Inaugural Rock and Roll in Los Angeles on 10/24/10 I placed overall 8439, and 4856 in my Gender group. Placed 281 in my division with a time of 3 Hours, 8 minutes and 46 seconds. I pretty much texted and took photos during the 3 plus hours so I think I can improve upon my time by the next one!

This week since the half I had a massage. My calfs have been screaming. My right ankle has been hurting but I really don't want another cortisone shot again. So yesterday I did my 2 mile hike with Debbie Schroth and the dogs and today did 2.30 around lake Gregory with a decent time. Will try to do 3 miles tomorrow. Hope making notes on weather etc and how I feel will help!